Monday, June 21, 2010

[ ep 16.v ] wanderlust of the foodies

So... you want to be a foodie? [ episode 16 ] frunkle paul and his amazing guac hey! we're back with another episode from our gypsy-esque meanderings around the country. we went on the road to the midwest to hang out with frunkle paul as he whips up some super-simple and simply delicious guacamole in about five minutes with just five ingredients. awhile back when we lived in minnesota, we played match-maker between our friend, paul, and rin's auntie, and they'll soon be celebrating their 7th anniversary! wooohoooo! paul has introduced us to more recipes that we love than anyone else. he's our inspiration towards experimentation. the guac recipe is allowed on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), which is a diet frunkle paul is using to treat his crohn's disease with great results. if you have crohn's or any other type of bowel disorder or imbalance of your intestinal tract, you may want to check out this special diet. we might not want to think about that end of things, but hey, that's where the food ends up, right? for more information on this diet see the official . by the way, while the guac is allowed on the diet, the chips are not. so whip up some guac and get yourself a spoon if you're on the SCD diet. shoutouts to paul and liz (and the whole brood) over the pond for contributing to our bandwidth fund and congrats on the new baby girl! we were tickled to hear that at least one pregnant woman got to watch the shows featuring ...
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